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Jim and Norma Borin Mixed Swiss Pairs - RICHARD BRIGHTLING / JODI TUTTY
  Match Opponent Imps VPs Cum. Rank
Jim and Norma Mixed Swiss Pairs - Match 1LORI SMITH / HOWARD MELBOURNE (5) 7 12.18
Jim and Norma Mixed Swiss Pairs - Match 2TERRY STRONG / JILL MAGEE (11) 2 10.612
Jim and Norma Borin Mixed Swiss Pairs - Match 3AVRIL ZETS / ANDREW BRAITHWAITE (9) 10 138
Jim and Norma Borin Mixed Swiss Pairs - Match 4DAMON FLICKER / KITTY MUNTZ (20) -14 5.816
Jim and Norma Borin Mixed Swiss Pairs - Match 5LIZ FANOS / GEORGE FINIKIOTIS (22) 29 17.489
Jim and Norma Borin Mixed Swiss Pairs - Match 6ANDREW PEAKE / GISELLE MUNDELL (4) -11 6.714
Jim and Norma Borin Mixed Swiss Pairs - Match 7VANESSA BROWN / WILL JENNER-O'SHEA (13) 19 15.37
Jim and Norma Borin Mixed Swiss Pairs - Match 8FRASER REW / LAKSHMI SUNDERASAN (6) -12 6.410

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