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Fixed Income Solutions One Day Swiss Pairs - ROBIN DEVRIES / ELLA LUPUL
  Match Opponent Imps VPs Cum. Rank
Fixed Income Solutions Swiss Pairs - Match 1GAYLE BAGG / LOUIS CUKIERMAN (65) 11 14.2918
Fixed Income Solutions Swiss Pairs - Match 2TIMOTHY OMVIG / ANTHONY MILLS (82) 3 11.1720
Fixed Income Solutions Swiss Pairs - Match 3TOMER LIBMAN / DAMON FLICKER (19) -18 3.6845
Fixed Income Solutions Swiss Pairs - Match 4PETER LYONS / GEORGE BILSKI (17) -32 066
Fixed Income Solutions Swiss Pairs - Match 5BARBARA O'SHEA / GLENDA PARMENTER (63) 39 2042
Fixed Income Solutions Swiss Pairs - Match 6GRACE GISSING / DUNCAN LAI (72) -2 9.2243

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