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Fixed Income Solutions One Day Swiss Pairs - GLEN CHICK / SUE HAPEK
  Match Opponent Imps VPs Cum. Rank
Fixed Income Solutions Swiss Pairs - Match 1CHRIS VAN WYCK / BERYL MANUEL (42) 8 13.1226
Fixed Income Solutions Swiss Pairs - Match 2LEIGH MATHESON / LEON MEIER (4) -50 069
Fixed Income Solutions Swiss Pairs - Match 3VINCE CARIOLA / LESLEY BRADSHAW (51) 25 18.3237
Fixed Income Solutions Swiss Pairs - Match 4BRETT GLASS / ERIC GLASS (57) -8 6.8845
Fixed Income Solutions Swiss Pairs - Match 5PHIL GLOVER / BAL KRISHAN (21) -13 5.1357
Fixed Income Solutions Swiss Pairs - Match 6CATHERINE LACHMAN / GEORGE LOVRECZ (13) -28 0.8472

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