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Fixed Income Solutions One Day Swiss Pairs - JENNY BROGAN / LYN TURNER
  Match Opponent Imps VPs Cum. Rank
Fixed Income Solutions Swiss Pairs - Match 1GLYNN EVANS / JIM COFFEY (44) -15 4.5567
Fixed Income Solutions Swiss Pairs - Match 2KAY O'CONNOR / PAT O'CONNOR (45) 13 14.8742
Fixed Income Solutions Swiss Pairs - Match 3BRETT GLASS / ERIC GLASS (57) -7 7.2751
Fixed Income Solutions Swiss Pairs - Match 4LIZ FANOS / GEORGE FINIKIOTIS (28) -5 8.0555
Fixed Income Solutions Swiss Pairs - Match 5GRACE GISSING / DUNCAN LAI (72) -16 4.2665
Fixed Income Solutions Swiss Pairs - Match 6ALEXANDRA MILLS / EMMA LANGFORD (75) 5 11.9560

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