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Pair 36 - Wendy Newman / Pauline Anderson
Place this match: 44
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score   Datum  Net  Imps   
Board 133: Beryl Lowry / Marcelle Goslin4H N9D8100-40602  
Board 233: Beryl Lowry / Marcelle Goslin2S N2H11-2005103107  
Board 333: Beryl Lowry / Marcelle Goslin4D SAS11-150170201  
Board 433: Beryl Lowry / Marcelle Goslin4H EJD10620-3203007  
Board 533: Beryl Lowry / Marcelle Goslin1NT W3C4-150-70-220-6  
Board 633: Beryl Lowry / Marcelle Goslin1NT N8D7-9080-100  
Board 733: Beryl Lowry / Marcelle Goslin4S N2C12-680610-70-2  
Board 833: Beryl Lowry / Marcelle Goslin3S S4C9-140-60-200-5  
Board 933: Beryl Lowry / Marcelle Goslin3S EKC10170-90802  
Board 1033: Beryl Lowry / Marcelle Goslin2D W5S9110-170-60-2  
Board 1133: Beryl Lowry / Marcelle Goslin3D E9C12170-280-110-3  
Board 1233: Beryl Lowry / Marcelle Goslin3NT N2C9-60050-550-11  

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