Pair 10 - Kaye Hart / Jeff Carberry
Place this match: 9
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Datum Net Imps
Board 13 37: Alan Greenlees / Rob Beattie 1NT E JH 7 90 -30 60 2 Board 14 37: Alan Greenlees / Rob Beattie 3 W
5H 10 170 -200 -30 -1 Board 15 37: Alan Greenlees / Rob Beattie 3 S
KC 8 100 -120 -20 -1 Board 16 37: Alan Greenlees / Rob Beattie 1NT S 3C 6 50 30 80 2 Board 17 37: Alan Greenlees / Rob Beattie 3 E
5D 9 140 20 160 4 Board 18 37: Alan Greenlees / Rob Beattie 3 W
KD 7 -100 70 -30 -1 Board 19 37: Alan Greenlees / Rob Beattie 3NT E 4C 7 -200 20 -180 -5 Board 20 37: Alan Greenlees / Rob Beattie 4 E
4D 10 620 -230 390 9 Board 21 37: Alan Greenlees / Rob Beattie 5 N
9D 10 100 130 230 6 Board 22 37: Alan Greenlees / Rob Beattie 4 S
3D 11 -450 390 -60 -2 Board 23 37: Alan Greenlees / Rob Beattie 4 S
QD 10 -620 650 30 1 Board 24 37: Alan Greenlees / Rob Beattie 4 N
8S 12 -480 380 -100 -3 Total 11
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