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Pair 47 - Pam Halton / Helen Morling
Place this match: 1
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score   Datum  Net  Imps   
Board 150: Shirley Bugg / Diane Morwood4S NAC8-10020-80-2  
Board 250: Shirley Bugg / Diane Morwood3S WQC7100801805  
Board 350: Shirley Bugg / Diane Morwood2NT E2D8-12070-50-2  
Board 450: Shirley Bugg / Diane Morwood3NT S8D7-20070-130-4  
Board 550: Shirley Bugg / Diane Morwood3H W8S9-1403001604  
Board 650: Shirley Bugg / Diane Morwood2H NJD8110-300-190-5  
Board 750: Shirley Bugg / Diane Morwood4S S9H10620-3059011  
Board 850: Shirley Bugg / Diane Morwood3S E2H10-1704102406  
Board 950: Shirley Bugg / Diane Morwood3NT W8C720030050011  
Board 1050: Shirley Bugg / Diane Morwood5D SAS11600-12048010  
Board 1150: Shirley Bugg / Diane Morwood4D E5H95010602  
Board 1250: Shirley Bugg / Diane Morwood2H E2S6100-40602  
Board 1350: Shirley Bugg / Diane Morwood3S WKC81001802807  
Board 1450: Shirley Bugg / Diane Morwood4S S4H13510-51000  

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