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Pair 29 - Lyn Wadley / Jos Hewitt
Place this match: 22
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score   Datum  Net  Imps   
Board 1564: Sharlene Campbell / Catherine Catt3NT N2D11660-570903  
Board 1664: Sharlene Campbell / Catherine Catt4S S3D10420-1502707  
Board 1764: Sharlene Campbell / Catherine Catt3H N3C7-10030-70-2  
Board 1864: Sharlene Campbell / Catherine Catt3NT N8C10630-3902406  
Board 1964: Sharlene Campbell / Catherine Catt4H SKS12480-48000  
Board 2064: Sharlene Campbell / Catherine Catt5H NAC10-100-290-390-9  
Board 2164: Sharlene Campbell / Catherine Catt3NT EQC10-430390-40-1  
Board 2264: Sharlene Campbell / Catherine Catt3S STD7-10010000  
Board 2364: Sharlene Campbell / Catherine Catt1NT N8H790-50401  
Board 2464: Sharlene Campbell / Catherine Catt4C SKS11150-80702  
Board 2564: Sharlene Campbell / Catherine Catt3S SAC8-50-70-120-3  
Board 2664: Sharlene Campbell / Catherine Catt2S S8H11200-601404  
Board 2764: Sharlene Campbell / Catherine Catt4C EKS950-20301  
Board 2864: Sharlene Campbell / Catherine Catt4H NAS10620-590301  

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