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Pair 13 - Julia Johnson / Geoff Green
Place this match: 60
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score   Datum  Net  Imps   
Board 16: Elizabeth Sward / Rexine Stott2NT E3C750701203  
Board 26: Elizabeth Sward / Rexine Stott3H W2D9-14060-80-2  
Board 36: Elizabeth Sward / Rexine Stott5D W9S1010057067012  
Board 46: Elizabeth Sward / Rexine Stott5D N4C10-100-10-110-3  
Board 56: Elizabeth Sward / Rexine Stott2S SKD4-400180-220-6  
Board 66: Elizabeth Sward / Rexine Stott3H SKS7-100120201  
Board 76: Elizabeth Sward / Rexine Stott4S W4H10-620-50-670-12  
Board 86: Elizabeth Sward / Rexine Stott2D EKS750-70-20-1  
Board 96: Elizabeth Sward / Rexine Stott3H SQS7-100-50-150-4  
Board 106: Elizabeth Sward / Rexine Stott3H EJS9-140-120-260-6  
Board 116: Elizabeth Sward / Rexine Stott4C N2S11150-400-250-6  
Board 126: Elizabeth Sward / Rexine Stott4S W2D950-20301  
Board 136: Elizabeth Sward / Rexine Stott4H N7S11650-670-20-1  
Board 146: Elizabeth Sward / Rexine Stott2H NKC10170-601103  

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