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Team 1 - Macey
    Home Table   Away Table     Pair Datums  
  Lynda Young
Philip Young
  Brian Craig
Dini Fotheringham
  Meredith Coleman
Carolyn Toh
  Penny Bowen
Rodney Macey
Board No vs Team   Contract Result Score   Contract Result Score   Net Score Net Imps   Datum NS EW  
Board 152: Coleman 4S N11650 4S N11-650   00        
Board 162: Coleman 3H W8100 4H W9-100   00   -604-4  
Board 172: Coleman 3D N8-50 3D N850   00        
Board 182: Coleman 4H S11650 4H S11-650   00        
Board 192: Coleman 3H W5400 3S E7-200   2005   19050  
Board 202: Coleman PASS N=0 1NT E790   903   -5021  
Board 212: Coleman 3D N7-200 4H E7-150   -350-8   -30-5-5  
Board 222: Coleman 1NT S9150 1NT N8-120   301   13010  
Board 232: Coleman 3S W8100 3H N8100   2005   -3042  
Board 242: Coleman 4S N11450 4S N10-420   301   2605-4  
Board 252: Coleman 2C W10-130 3NT E9600   47010   -53092  
Board 262: Coleman 2H S11200 4H S10-620   -420-9   1202-11  
Board 272: Coleman 3C W10-130 3NT W10430   3007   -27044  
Board 282: Coleman 3C E6150 3NT W6-150   00   1201-1  
Total15  32-16 

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