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Board No: 11
Dealer: S, Vul: Nil, Room Datum: -120

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Teams  Score Imps 
North-SouthEast-WestContractLeadTricks  NS    EW      NS EW  
79 LUCK Team1 MILNE Team4H WKC10 420 -1111 
80 MCMANAMNY Team2 BLOOM Team4H WKC10 420 -1010 
81 TOM STRONG Team3 WARE Team5CX N8S9 300 -44 
82 GEYER Team4 LORENTZ Team2S E5D10 170 -1111 
83 GRAHAME Team5 KLINGER Team4C S8S9 50 -44 
84 COATS Team6 NEILL Team4H WKC10 420 -1313 
85 WALKER Team7 LAVINGS Team3S E5D850  00 
86 LAMEKS Team8 MARKEY Team3S E5D10 170 -33 
87 SULLIVAN Team9 BAGCHI Team4H WKC10 420 -1313 
88 MOTTERAM Team10 LESTER Team5C S8S9 100 -22 
89 CREGAN Team11 FISCHER Team3S EQC10 170 00 
90 STEWART Team12 TISLEVOLL Team2C S8S9110  -77 
91 SHAW Team13 MULLEY Team4H WKC11 450 -11 
92 BENTLEY Team14 TRAVIS Team5H WAS1050  3-3 
93 TURNELL Team15 M BOURKE Team5CX S8S9 300 -55 
94 ANLEZARK Team16 FORDHAM Team3S E5D10 170 -22 
95 THOMAS Team17 EWART Team5CX S8S9 300 3-3 
96 BLACKHAM Team18 WALSH Team3NT NQS8 50 9-9 
97 MCGRATH Team19 NIXON Team3S E5D850  -22 
98 MORRISON Team20 FLEISCHER Team4C S8S9 50 00 
99 RHODES Team21 THOMPSON Team2S E5D10 170 6-6 
100 MACQUARRIE Team22 TULLY Team3S E5D11 200 -44 
101 THORP Team23 SOLAR Team3H WAC9 140 7-7 
102 BUGEIA Team24 DUTTON Team3S E5D10 170 -11 
103 SCORER Team25 DAWSON Team4S E5D8100  2-2 
104 HART Team26 RICHARDSON Team4H WAC10 420 -1111 
105 MILL Team27 HORWITZ Team3H WAC10 170 -33 
106 MARKER Team28 SCUDDER Team3NT NQS8 50 2-2 
107 PERL Team29 WATTS Team5CX S8S9 300 -1212 
108 ANDERSSON Team30 GROSVENOR Team3S EQC11 200 -88 
109 HOLLANDS Team31 ALI Team4H WKC10 420 -1010 
110 FRASER Team32 FOSTER Team4H W2C10 420 -66 
111 TOOHEY Team33 BURROWS Team5CX S6S8 500 -1111 
112 ATKINS Team34 FREELAND Team5H EQC1050  -88 
113 MORDO Team35 CREET Team3H WKC10 170 -22 
114 BRENNAN Team36 TERRY STRONG Team4H WAC10 420 -1313 
115 LEX BOURKE Team37 KLOFA Team4H WKC10 420 -1313 
116 AFFLICK Team38 BRIGHTLING Team4H WAC10 420 -77 
117 GRANT Team39 CRICHTON Team4S E5D10 420 -88 
118 MARSH Team40 KAHLER Team4S E5D10 420 -1010 
119 BALLARD Team41 SHAMI Team6D WAC9150  -66 
120 ZELLER Team42 RIDGWAY Team5C S8S9 100 1-1 
121 BUCHANAN Team43 COUTTS Team5CX S8S8 500 -1414 
122 MITCHELL Team44 CHETTLE Team4C S8S8 100 8-8 
123 BUNDER Team45 FRAZER Team4H WKC10 420 -1313 
124 HUTCHINS Team46 CHERRY Team4H WAC10 420 -1313 
125 STRICKLAND Team47 SMEE Team3S E5D11 200 -66 
126 LOCKWOOD Team48 WEAVER Team3S E5D10 170 -11 
127 ROWLAND Team49 TOBIN Team3S E3D850  00 
128 KRISTANDA Team50 NASH Team4H WAC10 420 -1111 
129 BLACK Team51 MOTT Team5CX S8S8 500 -1111 
130 MEAKINS Team52 ASSAEE Team4H WAC11 450 -11 
131 CAMPBELL Team53 CUSWORTH Team3S E5D9 140 -55 
132 WAIGHT Team54 FRANCIS Team4H WKC10 420 -99 
133 BUTCHER Team55 MAYO Team5SX E5D10100  6-6 
134 COLLINS Team56 LEACH Team4C S8S9 50 00 
135 CARIOLA Team57 MANGOS Team4H WAC10 420 1-1 
136 ELLIOTT Team58 ANDREW Team4C S8S9 50 -33 
137 CARMODY Team59 LANGE Team5C S8S8 150 -22 
138 BUCENS Team60 HARPER Team4C S8S9 50 9-9 
139 O'DONOHUE Team61 PATTISON Team3C S8S8 50 2-2 
140 COOK Team62 MCGOWAN Team5H WAC1050  10-10 
141 HUXTABLE Team63 FALLON Team3S E5D10 170 -77 
142 DEVRIES Team64 MURRAY-WHITE Team3NT NKS9400  7-7 
143 VEARING Team65 VAN VUCHT Team4CX S5S8 300 00 
144 NICHOLSON Team66 TWIGG Team4D EAC10 130 5-5 
145 DALZIELL Team67 EDDIE Team4H WTH10 420 -66 
146 TOMLINSON Team68 KNAGGS Team4H EQC10 420 -99 
147 QUIRK Team69 LA PEYRE Team3CX S8S9470  8-8 
148 PERCIVAL Team70 MARTIN Team4H WAC10 420 -77 
149 ZUBER Team71 NARITA Team3S W5D10 170 6-6 
150 BEER Team72 SIMES Team4H E5D10 420 -66 
151 LAVENDER Team73 RIDLEY Team3H WAC10 170 -66 
152 SPILSBURY Team74 DIBLEY Team3S E5D10 170 -77 
153 BARBER Team75 SMITH Team4S E5D10 420 -77 
154 HAYES Team76 FALLET Team3S E5D10 170 -33 
155 O'CONNOR Team77 VAUGHAN Team4C S8S9 50 -33 
156 *HOUSE Team78 CAINS Team4H WAC10 420 -77 
1 MILNE Team79 LUCK Team5DX W2C10100  11-11 
2 BLOOM Team80 MCMANAMNY Team3S E5D850  10-10 
3 WARE Team81 TOM STRONG Team3H WAC10 170 4-4 
4 LORENTZ Team82 GEYER Team3NT NKS9400  11-11 
5 KLINGER Team83 GRAHAME Team4S E5D8100  4-4 
6 NEILL Team84 COATS Team3NT NKS9400  13-13 
7 LAVINGS Team85 WALKER Team3S E5D850  00 
8 MARKEY Team86 LAMEKS Team4C S8S9 50 3-3 
9 BAGCHI Team87 SULLIVAN Team3NT NKS9400  13-13 
10 LESTER Team88 MOTTERAM Team3NT NKS8 50 2-2 
11 FISCHER Team89 CREGAN Team3H WKC10 170 00 
12 TISLEVOLL Team90 STEWART Team3NT N3S9400  7-7 
13 MULLEY Team91 SHAW Team4S E5D10 420 1-1 
14 TRAVIS Team92 BENTLEY Team3NT NKS8 50 -33 
15 M BOURKE Team93 TURNELL Team3NT NKS7 100 5-5 
16 FORDHAM Team94 ANLEZARK Team5C S7S9 100 2-2 
17 EWART Team95 THOMAS Team4S E5D10 420 -33 
18 WALSH Team96 BLACKHAM Team4H WKC10 420 -99 
19 NIXON Team97 MCGRATH Team4S EKD8100  2-2 
20 FLEISCHER Team98 MORRISON Team3NT NKS8 50 00 
21 THOMPSON Team99 RHODES Team4H WAC10 420 -66 
22 TULLY Team100 MACQUARRIE Team3NT SKS8 50 4-4 
23 SOLAR Team101 THORP Team4H WAC10 420 -77 
24 DUTTON Team102 BUGEIA Team5C S8S8 150 1-1 
25 DAWSON Team103 SCORER Team5H WAC1050  -22 
26 RICHARDSON Team104 HART Team4S E5D8100  11-11 
27 HORWITZ Team105 MILL Team4C S8S9 50 3-3 
28 SCUDDER Team106 MARKER Team4C S8S8 100 -22 
29 WATTS Team107 PERL Team4NT NKS10430  12-12 
30 GROSVENOR Team108 ANDERSSON Team4C N2C10130  8-8 
31 ALI Team109 HOLLANDS Team5H WAC1050  10-10 
32 FOSTER Team110 FRASER Team3S EQC10 170 6-6 
33 BURROWS Team111 TOOHEY Team4H WAC950  11-11 
34 FREELAND Team112 ATKINS Team3NT N3S9400  8-8 
35 CREET Team113 MORDO Team5C S8S9 100 2-2 
36 TERRY STRONG Team114 BRENNAN Team3NT N6S9400  13-13 
37 KLOFA Team115 LEX BOURKE Team3NT NKS9400  13-13 
38 BRIGHTLING Team116 AFFLICK Team5C S8S8 150 7-7 
39 CRICHTON Team117 GRANT Team5C SAD9 100 8-8 
40 KAHLER Team118 MARSH Team3S E5D850  10-10 
41 SHAMI Team119 BALLARD Team3NT NKS9400  6-6 
42 RIDGWAY Team120 ZELLER Team1S E5D9 140 -11 
43 COUTTS Team121 BUCHANAN Team3NT NKS10430  14-14 
44 CHETTLE Team122 MITCHELL Team4S E5D11 450 -88 
45 FRAZER Team123 BUNDER Team3NT NKS9400  13-13 
46 CHERRY Team124 HUTCHINS Team3NT NKS10430  13-13 
47 SMEE Team125 STRICKLAND Team3S W5D850  6-6 
48 WEAVER Team126 LOCKWOOD Team5C S8S8 150 1-1 
49 TOBIN Team127 ROWLAND Team3S E5D850  00 
50 NASH Team128 KRISTANDA Team4S E2D8100  11-11 
51 MOTT Team129 BLACK Team4H W2H950  11-11 
52 ASSAEE Team130 MEAKINS Team4H WAC10 420 1-1 
53 CUSWORTH Team131 CAMPBELL Team3S E5D850  5-5 
54 FRANCIS Team132 WAIGHT Team4C S8S9 50 9-9 
55 MAYO Team133 BUTCHER Team3S E5D9 140 -66 
56 LEACH Team134 COLLINS Team3NT NKS8 50 00 
57 MANGOS Team135 CARIOLA Team4H WAC11 450 -11 
58 ANDREW Team136 ELLIOTT Team5D WAC1050  3-3 
59 LANGE Team137 CARMODY Team4C S8S8 100 2-2 
60 HARPER Team138 BUCENS Team4H WKC10 420 -99 
61 PATTISON Team139 O'DONOHUE Team5C S8S9 100 -22 
62 MCGOWAN Team140 COOK Team4S E5D10 420 -1010 
63 FALLON Team141 HUXTABLE Team3S E5D7100  7-7 
64 MURRAY-WHITE Team142 DEVRIES Team3C S8S9110  -77 
65 VAN VUCHT Team143 VEARING Team5CX S8S9 300 00 
66 TWIGG Team144 NICHOLSON Team5CX S8S9 300 -55 
67 EDDIE Team145 DALZIELL Team3S E5D10 170 6-6 
68 KNAGGS Team146 TOMLINSON Team3NT NKS8 50 9-9 
69 LA PEYRE Team147 QUIRK Team3C NKS10130  -88 
70 MARTIN Team148 PERCIVAL Team3H WTH9 140 7-7 
71 NARITA Team149 ZUBER Team4H WAC10 420 -66 
72 SIMES Team150 BEER Team3S E5D11 200 6-6 
73 RIDLEY Team151 LAVENDER Team5S EQC1050  6-6 
74 DIBLEY Team152 SPILSBURY Team3S EQC7100  7-7 
75 SMITH Team153 BARBER Team4D WAC10 130 7-7 
76 FALLET Team154 HAYES Team4C S8S9 50 3-3 
77 VAUGHAN Team155 O'CONNOR Team5H WAC1050  3-3 
78 CAINS Team156 *HOUSE Team3H EAC9 140 7-7 

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