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South-West Pacific Teams Championship - LEX BOURKE Team
  Match Opponent Imps VPs Cum. Rank
South West Pacific Teams - Match 1KLOFA Team (37) -58 0.67139 
South West Pacific Teams - Match 2THOMAS Team (95) -40 2.44155 
South West Pacific Teams - Match 3FRASER Team (110) -7 8.17152 
South West Pacific Teams - Match 4MITCHELL Team (122) 44 18.01124 
South West Pacific Teams - Match 5ELLIOTT Team (136) 9 12.30112 
South West Pacific Teams - Match 6MEAKINS Team (130) -42 2.21137 
South West Pacific Teams - Match 7BUGEIA Team (102) -44 1.99144 
South West Pacific Teams - Match 8TOBIN Team (49) -56 0.83153 
South West Pacific Teams - Match 9O'CONNOR Team (155) 25 15.45149 
South West Pacific Teams - Match 10HAYES Team (154) -1 9.72145 
South West Pacific Teams - Match 11BUCENS Team (138) -27 4.23151 
South West Pacific Teams - Match 12LAVENDER Team (151) 14 13.41145 

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