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Spider Orchid Restricted MP Swiss Pairs (September 2023)
Results after 6 of 6 matches
Place Pair Names Percentage VPs Gold pts
1 PAM WARD / PHIL DOUGLAS (7) 60.2%83.713.06
2 AMIR DEEN / CHRIS BALLANTYNE (11) 55.9%78.142.78
3 RICHARD CARTER / JAY NOVAK (1) 54.1%73.782.11
4 SAU-YEM LO / JUDY NETTING (9) 52.4%70.231.50
5 DAN DANTON / PAMELA MCKITTRICK (3) 52.2%67.931.15
7 GEORGE MCLEAN / TIM MATHER (4) 51.5%59.050.58
8 JOHN KNIGHT / ODETTE MAYNE (2) 47.4%50.660.58
9 JAN MACLEAN / IAN MACLEAN (6) 46.9%50.220.72
10 JAMES HARVEY / MARTIN COOTE (5) 44.3%45.030.72
11 SEAN QUINN / THAIS MORGAN-PERTUS (10) 43.7%42.670.43
12 PRAKASH MUTTUVELU / CRAIG CURRY (8) 41.1%35.920.58
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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