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Golden Wattle Open Teams (September 2023)
Results after 7 of 7 matches
Place Team (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑LGold pts
1 KUMAR (6)113 97.905-1-1  
2 KAPLAN (3)133 97.844-1-2  
3 SMITH (2)83 91.925-0-2  
4 ROBINSON (1)77 88.855-0-2  
5 HURST (13)8 75.154-1-2  
6 KELLY (10)3 73.584-1-2  
7 STEPHENS (8)24 73.144-0-3  
8 THORP (5)6 70.162-1-4  
9 BECKMAN (7)4 69.893-0-4  
10 GUTHRIE (12)11 69.223-0-4  
11 HUTCHINS (11)-10 68.694-0-3  
12 PALFREYMAN (15)-15 68.343-1-3  
13 VAN VUCHT (4)-8 68.014-0-3  
14 WILLIAMS (14)-53 59.573-0-4  
15 GRANT (16)-72 52.542-0-5  
16 CARTER (17)-90 51.613-0-4  
17 HYDLEMAN (9)-63 50.921-0-6  
18 ASHURST (18)-151 32.671-0-6  
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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