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Golden Wattle Open Teams (October 2024)
Results after 7 of 7 matches
Place Team (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑LGold pts
1 MENDICK (4)133 103.966-0-19.80
2 BLOOM (3)78 85.494-1-27.00
3 COX (2)40 80.015-0-25.86
4 HILLS (6)58 79.444-0-34.23
5 ROBINSON (1)32 78.974-1-23.89
6 BOLT (10)33 78.034-1-22.16
7 SCALES (9)38 77.673-0-41.44
8 WHIDDON (8)17 74.113-1-31.68
9 KUMAR (5)29 73.163-0-41.44
10 HACKETT (7)-3 69.873-1-31.68
11 NICHOLS (11)-19 67.184-1-22.16
12 BRAKE (13)-103 46.582-0-50.96
13 BONIC (14)-171 32.531-0-60.48
14 ROSETTA (12)-162 31.000-0-7  
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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