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Val and John Brockwell Mixed Teams (October 2024)
Results after 7 of 7 matches
Place Team (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑LGold pts
1 JACOB (1)153 101.605-1-119.29
2 MUNDELL (2)121 100.646-1-09.01
3 REYNOLDS (4)80 90.405-1-18.29
4 GIURA (5)18 76.074-0-313.61
5 BEAUCHAMP (6)27 75.774-0-34.75
6 DEPASQUALE (10)13 71.622-2-32.16
7 FISCHER (3)6 70.053-1-32.52
8 TUTTY (8)1 69.362-2-32.16
9 HOOYKAAS (7)5 67.593-0-42.16
10 LAVINGS (9)-12 65.973-0-42.16
11 BARWICK (12)-94 54.562-1-41.80
12 CUTCLIFFE (13)-77 51.512-0-51.44
13 PEARSON (14)-124 44.282-1-41.80
14 LEUNG (11)-117 40.581-0-60.72
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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